Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Stress in everyday life
Stress can affect your health everyday! It may not seems like it but it does! There are many things that you don't know that stress your but they do, good and bad. For example students stress over tests or school. That can be negative or positive it depends. If you have to study it's bad cause you stress if you're going to do good or not, or if you get an A on it than itshould positive because you feel good. It affects people everyday without them even knowing. Though not everyone goes through the same amount of stress. Some more than others. But all people go through some kind of bad stress in their life. Everyone doesn't always get what they want. 
Stress can be negative and positive. It all depends on the situation. Positive stress is called eustress. Negative stress called distress. You can also tell the difference because if you see each latin prefix in both words, eu is latin for good or well, and easier prefix dis- means bad or away from. Eustress can be good for you. An example is wining a basketball game. Or getting anew A on a test. It makes you feel good. Distress makes your body worse. It can make you lose focus, lose sleep, and your body can't take stress very well and neither can your mind. An example would be studying for a test, or losing a loved one. Your mind can't handle it and it makes you feel bad and you stress over it. 

Managing stress
  1. There are mamy ways to manage stress. You could walk around and try to enjoy fresh air, you could meditate, you could do sports, or hobbies, you could get a stress ball, in my opinion it all depends on who you are. Like me for instance, I like sports and when I play sports I forget anything else matters. When you manage stress you wanna forget it, or you want to relieve it. When you relieve stress you don't wanna hurt yourself or anyone, so I think the best way is to talk about it. You relieve it by telling someoneelse cause you had that urge to tell someone and you finally did. You finally let it all out. Another way is you could go for a walk while listening to music, that's another thing people like to do. Music for some people cheers them up and it helps getting fresh air.